//connect to device device AMA3B2KK-KBR si SWD speed 1000 r sleep 10 // Load hello world secure image // loadbin hello_world_secure_80000.bin 0x30000 loadbin hello_world_secure_0x04000000.bin 0x30000 // Set up Customer Specific Secondary OTA Descriptor image blob at 0xFA100 (just an example) w4 0xFA100 0xC100000C // Magic 0xC1, length 12 Bytes w4 0xFA104 0x30003 // OTA image pointer ¨C last 2 bits 1 w4 0xFA108 0xFFFFFFFF // end of list w4 0xFA000 0xFA103 // address of 0xC1 image ¨C last 2 bits 1 w4 0xFA004 0xFFFFFFFF // end of list // Set up OTA Descriptor at 0xFA000 // w4 0xFA000 0x30003 // w4 0xFA004 0xFFFFFFFF // Set up OTAPointer w4 0x40020264 0xFA001 // Reset POI w4 0x40000004 0x1B // quit qc