AM18xx RTC
- AM18x5 RTC mikroBUS Click Boards Guide
- Q&A: Is there an AM0805 register setting that affects the oscillator allowance of the 32 kHz crystal?
- Q&A: How is XT Oscillation Allowance measured?
- Q&A: When the operation of the XT oscillator returns to normal, will it be automatically changed to the XT oscillator?
- Q&A: If the voltage when the VBAT voltage drops is V_BATRST < VBAT, is the BL bit set correctly?
- Q&A: Will FOUT and XT operate normally without VCC being supplied?
- Q&A: Does AM0805 register access via the I2C interface still work if the XT oscillator is not mounted?
- Q&A: Is the I2C input threshold voltage Vt+ and Vt-?
- Q&A: How much current is consumed when RC and XT are both active during AM18x5 auto-calibration?
- Q&A: Do Ambiq RTCs prevent POR from occurring as part of its noise immunity?
- Q&A: What are calibrated RC oscillator frequency min and max in AM18x5 Datasheet?
- Q&A: Is there any documentation that explains XTAL calibration procedure for the RTCs?
- Q&A: How to use the AM18x5 to control the low-power state of an MCU?